Friday, December 29, 2017

Screens and eyesight: What can parents do?

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Kids seem to spend endless hours on smartphones, games consoles, computers and tablets these days.

Playing on electronic devices certainly doesn't help their waistlines, but do you ever wonder what regular device use is doing to their eyesight?

While there isn't much research out there yet about the impact of screens on eyesight – after all the iPhone was first unveiled by Apple in only 2007 – experts are concerned about growing levels of short-sightedness in children.

And they suggest the best thing parents can do to prevent it is to encourage youngsters to spend more time outdoors in the sunlight.

How short-sightedness is on the rise

There has been a massive rise around the globe in short-sightedness – or myopia as it's officially known – over recent decades.

"We know that myopia or short-sightedness is becoming more common," says Chris Hammond, professor of ophthalmology at King's College London and consultant ophthalmic surgeon at St Thomas' Hospital.

"It has reached epidemic levels in East Asia, Singapore, Taiwan, South Korea, where approaching 90% of 18-year-olds are now short-sighted.

"In Europe, it's potentially getting up to 40% to 50% of young adults in their mid-20s who are short-sighted now in Western Europe. It's been gradually rising over the decades of the 20th Century from around 20-30%."

Why has it become so much more common?

Annegret Dahlmann-Noor, consultant ophthalmologist at Moorfields Eye Hospital in London says lack of natural light seems to be the key issue.

"The main factor seems to be a lack of exposure to direct sunlight, because children who study a lot and who use computers or smartphones or tablet computers a lot have less opportunity to run around outside and are less exposed to sunshine and because of that seem to be at more risk of developing short-sightedness."

Prof Hammond says: "It may be that there's no coincidence that in East Asian countries, the most myopic ones all correlate with the maths league tables.

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"These kids are being pushed with very intensive education from a very young age and spend a lot of time indoors studying everything close up and very little time outdoors.

"Therefore the concern is that all close work – like playing with the iPad and iPhone – carries the potential that it could make them more short-sighted."

So should we stop or limit screen use?

Well that's much easier said than done! Any parent will know that youngsters are like dogs with bones when it comes to their beloved phones and trying to get them off their devices is pretty much impossible – certainly without a massive argument.

Dr Dahlmann-Noor, who is a mother of three, says trying to stop screen use is probably an unrealistic aspiration.

"You can only tell them that it might make their eyes uncomfortable, it might make them short-sighted and they should not use it as much as they like to.

"But, hand on heart, I don't think we can get away from this because they also have to do their school homework on laptops and iPads and they do their searches for background information on screens.

"If you're a teenager and you have got revision to do for GCSEs or A-levels then you can't really switch off, can you? So I don't think we will be reducing the screen use, really, in years to come."

Time outdoors is the key

The best thing to do, say the experts, is to get children playing outside as much as possible.

"Protective of myopia development is time outdoors – sport and leisure outdoors are protective of eyesight," says Prof Hammond.

"In a perfect world, probably on average across the week and the weekend, two hours a day outdoors is protective of becoming short-sighted in children."

He says myopia research done in Sydney, Australia showed that only 3% of Chinese-heritage children living in Sydney – who spent two hours a day outdoors – were short-sighted by the age of six, compared to nearly 30% of six-year-olds in Singapore.

"So again, suggestive that the outdoor lifestyle is good for our eyes."

And don't forget your veg

Dr Dahlmann-Noor says diet is also an area where families can help with eyesight.

"We always tell parents about omega-3 essential fatty acids, and vitamins A, C and E and nutrients that are good for the back of the eye.

"Healthy diet really is important – in terms of getting oily fish, avocados, green vegetables, green leafy vegetables as much as possible.

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"Or in children, all these supplements that you can buy over the counter that are good for the brain, also happen to be good for the eyes – they're just not marketed for that."

She also recommends regular annual eye checks.

How would I know if my child was becoming short-sighted?

According to NHS Choices, signs that your child may be short-sighted include:

  • needing to sit near the front of the class at school because they find it difficult to read the whiteboard
  • sitting close to the television
  • complaining of headaches or tired eyes
  • regularly rubbing their eyes

When someone's short-sighted, the eyes have grown slightly too long, which means light rays focus just in front of the retina, at the back of the eye, so distant objects to appear blurred, but close objects are seen clearly.

Hope for tomorrow's treatment

While levels of myopia are likely to continue to rise, the hope is that researchers will find ways to reduce its progression.

Dr Dahlmann-Noor says: "What we need to look at, in terms of research and development, is ways of modifying the impact that these activities have on their visual development."

Prof Hammond adds: "There are eye drops and other treatments to slow myopia progression. But in terms of preventing myopia itself, there isn't any data out there at the moment in terms of 'Could the drops we use to slow progression stop myopia developing at all?'

"I think it's going to be the logical next step of research studies, as in countries like urban China – where 10% of children in each class per year are becoming short-sighted from about the age of six – there's an argument for saying we should be trying to prevent it."

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Thursday, December 28, 2017

The giant rats that love avocado and can diagnose deadly TB | Kate Lyons

A team in Tanzania have trained African pouched rats to make life-saving discoveries, sniffing out cases of tuberculosis missed by health clinics

After scampering about a sleek glass and aluminium cage, a rat named Riziwan has made a crucial discovery.

In just minutes, Riziwan has positively identified 13 people who may have tuberculosis. The discovery is potentially life-saving news for those whose sputum samples were marked as clear by their local health clinics. But its all in a days or rather 15 minutes work for Riziwan and the other giant African pouched rats that work at Belgian organisation Apopos TB centre in Morogoro, Tanzania.

Riziwan, now almost a year old, has been trained almost since birth to pick up the smell of the disease, which is notoriously difficult to detect.

To carry out his work, Riziwan is placed in a large cage. Into its base, technicians insert a metal bar holding 10 dishes of human sputum, sent to Apopo by a TB clinic. All samples have been heat-treated so there is no risk of infection to either rats or humans. One by one, metal grates in the bottom of the cage are opened to allow Riziwan to sniff each petri dish.

There is silence among the technicians as Riziwan examines the samples. He moves on quickly from slots one and two, but at the third he pauses and scratches the metal bottom of the cage, indicating that he smells the disease.

At the seventh hole he scratches again, and again at the eighth. This time Harumi Ramadhani, the training supervisor, presses a clicker, meaning Riziwan has correctly identified a control sample from one of the clinics. It earns him a reward of mashed banana, avocado and rat pellets.

Apopo rats find an additional 40% of TB cases on top of those discovered by clinics

In all, Riziwan checks 100 samples. His work done for the day, he is returned to a large open-air playpen. The cage is cleaned and a second rat a female named Pink is brought in to test his findings.

No person will be treated only on the statement of a rat, says Lena Fiebig, head of the TB programme at Apopo. The rats at this moment are not approved as a standalone diagnostic tool. Well then use a recognised method, and this is mostly concentrated microscopy, where a lab technician will re-check these samples. But the rats have already contributed tremendously to narrowing down the focus, so its not a team of 10 lab technicians who need a week to re-check.

On average, Apopo rats find an additional 40% of TB cases on top of those discovered by clinics. Since they started work 10 years ago, they have screened nearly half a million samples and detected more than 12,200 missed cases. They can get through 100 samples in 10 to 20 minutes: a human with a microscope takes four days to test the same number.

The World Health Organization estimates that last year 4.1m TB cases went undetected, despite it being the worlds top infectious killer in 2016, resulting in 1.7m deaths. Detection rates using conventional light microscopy the technique used at the clinics that send samples to Apopo for checking can be as low as 20%.

Tuberculosis is an obvious target for the keen-nosed rats. Its known, or perceived, that TB has a specific odour. Reportedly dogs would avoid patients rooms with the disease, says Fiebig. Even doctors have reported cases where they receive a smell off TB patients.

Workers at the Apopo TB detection centre

The centre began training the rats on samples from the central TB laboratory for Tanzania, and the programme became operational in 2007. Apopo now partners with 57 clinics in Tanzania, and has operations in Mozambique and a centre about to open in Ethiopia.

They are incredible, says Ramadhani. They can do a lot of things and theyre an easy animal to work with.

Life is pretty good for the African pouched rats. At the end of the week on full-cheek Friday they are allowed to stuff their famous pouches with a feast. They live about eight or nine years and when they are too old to work are retired to the playpens.

The versatile species has also proved adept at detecting landmines. In the past 20 years, Apopos rats have found more than 100,000 landmines and unexploded ordinances, clearing 22m square metres of land in countries including Mozambique, Angola and Cambodia. The NGO hopes to send teams to Colombia and Zimbabwe next year.

Mine-clearing is still core to what Apopo does and in the early hours of one morning, handlers transport a dozen rats to a 24-hectare (29-acre) field where defused landmines have been buried for them to train with.

The animals, which are nocturnal and susceptible to sunburn, have their tails and ears slathered in clear sunscreen. They are fitted into harnesses, and methodically check every square inch of ground.

Burhani is being tested today. If he passes scratching at the soil above every buried landmine he will be sent to Angola to replace a rat nearing retirement. Werrason (named after a Congolese musician) is progressing well, but misses two mines, so is not yet ready to be deployed. The third, Chifupa (named after a late Tanzanian MP) is struggling. She is still on one of the smaller, easier training fields and misses about half of the mines buried in it. It will be some time before she catches up with the rest of her class.

The human de-miners must have complete faith in the rats ability. They are only allowed on to minefields when they can detect every explosive in the area during training, with only one false positive compared with the tuberculosis rats, which are operational with a sensitivity rate of 75%.

After a piece of land has been cleared of mines, as part of the handover ceremony to the community, Apopo staff will run across it to prove to sceptical locals that it is safe.

In the past 20 years, the rats have found more than 100,000 landmines and unexploded ordinances

Cindy Fast, head of Apopos training, research and development, is always on the lookout for more ways the animals might put their noses to good use. We are just beginning to tap into their potential, she says.

There is talk of using them in disaster zones, finding survivors buried in the rubble of collapsed buildings. And this week a group of rats began training to recognise the scent of African hardwoods as well as the scales of the pangolin, the most trafficked mammal in the world, so they can be used in anti-smuggling operations.

Slowly, these projects are turning rats from pests into heroes among locals.

In the beginning it was very difficult to get people to understand what were doing, says Shaibu Hamisi, one of the mine detection rat trainers. People didnt understand how the rodent could be useful. He adds that there is still stigma around the animals.

The trainers miss their charges when they are sent abroad for different projects, Hamisi says, but when we hear this rat has found two landmines today, we feel really proud.

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Wednesday, December 20, 2017

Woman Who Can Smell Parkinson's Is Helping Scientists Create The First-Ever Diagnostic Test

Working out what's wrong with someone can be a complex challenge for doctors. But what if they could diagnose a disease simply from a person's smell? Well, a woman named Joy Milne has the superpower of sniffing out Parkinson's disease, and it's helping researchers develop the first-ever diagnostic test.

Caused by a loss of nerve cells in the brain area responsible for dopamine production, Parkinson's disease can be a crippling condition. It can lead to involuntary tremors, slow movement, and stiff and inflexible muscles. It can also cause a range of other symptoms, from depression and anxiety to insomnia and memory loss. At the moment there is no cure, and diagnosis is based on the observation of symptoms alone.

We first learned that Joy Milne could smell Parkinson's a few years back. Her husband, Les, had the disease, and she noticed a change in his scent years before his diagnosis. She then joined the charity Parkinson's UK, only to discover that other sufferers of the condition shared his unique smell.

She shared her findings with scientists, prompting researchers at the University of Edinburgh to find out more. They gave her 12 T-shirts to smell – six had been worn by Parkinson's sufferers and six worn by controls. She correctly identified the six people who had Parkinson's, but also noticed the scent on the T-shirt from one of the controls. Amazingly, just a few months later, he too was diagnosed with the disease.

"She was telling us that this individual had Parkinson's before he knew, before anybody knew," Edinburgh University's Dr Tilo Kunath told BBC News.

"So then I really started to believe her, that she could really detect Parkinson's simply by odour that was transferred on to a shirt that the person with Parkinson's was wearing."

Scent is produced by chemical molecules, so now scientists from the University of Manchester have been investigating what exact molecules might result in the Parkinson's "smell". Using a technique called mass spectrometry, the team have identified 10 molecules that are unique to those suffering from Parkinson's.

"It is very humbling as a mere measurement scientist to have this ability to help find some signature molecules to diagnose Parkinson's," said research leader Professor Perdita Barran. "It wouldn't have happened without Joy."

It's hoped that this increased knowledge of the individual molecules associated with Parkinson's will lead to the first-ever diagnostic test. Thanks to Joy, doctors might be able to identify whether a person has Parkinson's using mass spectrometry, or dogs could use their powerful noses to sniff out the disease, as they can with cancer.

"For all the serendipity, it was Joy and Les who were absolutely convinced that what she could smell would be something that could be used in a clinical context and so now we are beginning to do that," said Barran.

Although right now there's no cure, finding out whether someone has Parkinson's early on could allow for better management of symptoms through medication and physiotherapy, giving those living with the disease a better quality of life.  

If you're based in the UK and want to find out more about Joy, The Woman Who Can Smell Parkinson's is currently available on BBC iPlayer. 

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Yawning cat wins boy photography award

Image copyright Marlon Darragh
Image caption Milou lounging in the sun was the "perfect photo opportunity", Marlon Darragh says

A 13-year-old boy has won a national photography award for an image he captured of his cat yawning.

The photograph of family pet, Milou, is the first picture Marlon Darragh has ever entered into a competition.

The schoolboy, from Branscombe in Devon, said he was "proud to be chosen" at the RSPCA Young Photographer Awards 2017.

He said he saw the "perfect photo opportunity" and the award has inspired him take more photographs.

Image copyright RSPCA
Image caption BBC presenter Chris Packham presented Marlon with the award

Marlon made the journey to London with his family to attend the awards ceremony on Friday.

His mum Amanda Darragh said her son has "always had an eye for the unusual".

"He's never one to blow his own trumpet but he has always spotted details in things adults never see," she added.

Marlon's photograph of Milou, which he took on his Dad's iPad, saw off competition from across England and Wales to win the 12-15 Mobile Phone and Devices category.

The Sidmouth College student, who received the award from BBC presenter Chris Packham, said he took the photograph at just the right time.

"Our cat Milou was lounging in the sun on the patio. I took this one just as she yawned and stretched," the youngster said.

"I particularly like the contrast between her white fur and the dark grey slate, and the way her whiskers really stand out."

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Saturday, December 16, 2017

Five years after Sandy Hook: families keep the memory of lost children alive

In the years since the mass shooting that killed 20 children and six educators, families have memorialized their loved ones in many different ways

School safety campaigns. An animal sanctuary. A childrens book. Support for mental health reform. A lawsuit against the manufacturer of a military-style rifle.

In the five years since the mass shooting at Sandy Hook elementary school, the families of the 20 children and six educators killed have taken very different paths to honor the lives of their loved ones.

Some family members have chosen to remain intensely private. Others have become prominent advocates for gun violence prevention.

No single campaign represents all 26 families. The continuing lawsuit against the manufacturer, distributor and dealer of the AR-15-style rifle used in the shooting, for example, was brought by the families of only nine Sandy Hook victims and one survivor.

Here, drawn from the joint website for the Sandy Hook victims families, is a brief look at how each family has asked to remember and honor those who died.

Charlotte Helen Bacon, age six

Charlotte Helen Bacon.

Smart, funny, curious, messy, in-intimidated, and adventurous, her family wrote, describing six-year-old Charlotte. We like to use the word BOLD.

A foundation in Charlottes honor supports a therapy dog program, a scholarship for students studying to become veterinarians, and a grant to help couples grieving the death of a child.

Together with an award-winning childrens book author, her parents co-wrote a picture book, Good Dogs, Great Listeners, which tells the story of Charlotte and her dog, Lily. Charlottes brother also wrote a book about his experience with therapy dogs after his sisters death, called The Dogs of Newtown.

Daniel Barden, age seven

Mark Barden holds up a picture of his son Daniel during a vigil. Photograph: Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Seven-year-old Daniel was unusually compassionate, always concerned that the people around him were happy and safe. He used to sit next to a special needs girl in his class to make sure she was OK, and when she would lose her glasses, Daniel would find them.

The What Would Daniel Do? campaign encourages other people to follow Daniels legacy of kindness. His parents have been outspoken about participating in a lawsuit against a gun manufacturer, focused on the irresponsible militaristic advertising for AR-15-style guns sold to civilians. Mark Barden, his father, is one of the founders of Sandy Hook Promise, a nonprofit that advocates for mental health reform, certain gun laws, and a violence prevention program that trains students and adults to Know the Signs of someone at-risk of violence.

Olivia Rose Engel, age six

Olivia Rose Engel.

Olivia loved swimming and soccer and dancing in a pink tutu, singing and art projects and math. At dinner, she led her family in saying grace, and she was proud of her role as a big sister and her participation in an educational program at her parish church. To honor Olivias zest for life, her family has raised money for Newtown Park & Bark, a group that supports a local off-leash dog park. The organization has a page that honors Olivias joy, with photographs of happy dogs and messages about them. Olivias family also created a web site in her honor.

Josephine Gay, age seven

Josephine Gay.

Seven-year-old Josephine, known as Joey, was the girly-est of her sisters, and she adored her older siblings, the family wrote in a recent article in the Newtown Bee. Fun-loving and affectionate, Joey had worked hard to meet the milestones that came so easily to her older sisters, after being diagnosed with autism, global apraxia and apraxia of speech. Her family wrote that she had found love and support in Newtown: Her classmates eagerly learned sign language and encouraged and included her whenever they could.

Her family has raised money for Joeys Fund, which supports families in New England who need resources to help family members with autism. Her mother, Michele Gay, is also one of the founders of Safe and Sound Schools, an organization that promotes improved school security.

Ana Grace Marquez-Greene, age six

Ana Marquez-Greene.

A budding musician, six-year-old Ana Grace had a gift for melody, pitch and rhythm that stood out even in a musical family, as her father put it. She never walked anywhere – her mode of transportation was dance. She dance from room to room and place to place.

The Ana Grace Project supports arts education and has worked with schools to implement a Love Wins curriculum, which supports a stronger social and emotional environment for students and staff. Recognizing that the counseling resources available to Newtown residents after the shooting are not available to every community dealing with violence, the organization has also worked to bring professional development in counseling and trauma-informed care to other communities that need them.

Her father, prominent Jazz saxophonist Jimmy Greene, released a tribute album, Beautiful Life, in 2014. Her mother, Nelba Marquez-Greene, writes frequently on social media about grief, activism, and how political developments affect survivors of violence.

Dylan Hockley, age six

A photograph of British-born Dylan in a Superman t-shirt has become one of the icons of the fight to pass tougher gun laws in America. Dylan, his family wrote, adored chocolate and cuddling and bouncing on trampolines. He was sensitive to loud noises and loved routine. He wanted to play with other kids so much, they wrote, even though he didnt always know how.

The Dylans Wings of Change Foundation benefits children with autism and other special needs. His mother, Nicole Hockley, is one of the founders and managing directors of Sandy Hook Promise. His parents have been outspoken about their participation in a lawsuit against the manufacturer, distributor and dealer of the military-style weapon used in the Sandy Hook shooting.

Madeleine F Hsu, age six

Her family described Madeleine as a a petite princess with a big personality, always ready to jump into surf at the beach, plunge into the pool, or ride her bike without training wheels as soon as they had been taken off.

Once you set your mind to do something, her family wrote of her, it was as good as done.

Catherine Violet Hubbard, age six

Catherine Hubbard.

Catherine, with her red hair and freckles, loved animals so much she made her own business cards for Catherines Animal Shelter, her family wrote. Her title: Care Taker. Tell your friends I am kind, she would whisper to animals when she played with them.

Catherines family is building an animal sanctuary in her honor on 34 acres of Connecticut farmland. The sanctuary already hosts events, and individuals and groups can donate to support the sanctuary or volunteer their time for instance, building garden beds or clearing out invasive plants.

Chase Kowalski, age seven

Chase had already been an enthusiastic athlete and competitor for years. He began running competitively at age two, his family wrote. At age 6, Chase asked to be entered into his first triathlon in his first ever competition, he took on the field and won his age group!

The CMAK Foundation supports programs for physical and emotional well-being for kids and their families, including Race4Chase, a kids triathlon program.

break the cycle

Jesse Lewis, age six

The quintessential image of Jesse, his family wrote, is him in boots with no socks, ripped jeans, an army helmet on his head, and dirt smudged on his cheek as he marched through a field from one adventure to another.

When he and his classmates were targeted on December 14, his family wrote, Jesse used his last few minutes on earth yelling to his friends to run, saving many lives.

The Jesse Lewis Choose Love Movement supports a social and emotional learning program for teachers and students. Jesses mother Scarlett Lewis has spoken publicly about the importance of this kind of learning in childrens lives as well as the importance of forgiveness.

James Radley Mattioli, age six

James was all boy, his family wrote, always wrestling with his father, jumping off tall objects, and moving through the world with boundless energy. He loved his sister and learning from her. He had also developed a keen interest in math.

His family asked that donations to support the programs that brought him joy should be sent to: The James R Mattioli Memorial Fund C/O Newtown Savings Bank; 39 Main Street Newtown, CT 06470.

Grace McDonnell, age seven

Grace had been taking art classes since she was three years old, and showed early talent. She saw beauty in everything and was fortunate to have found her passion early in life, her family wrote.

Through the Grace McDonnell Memorial Fund, her family wrote, they hoped to support young artists and youth art programs.

A memorial for the victims of the Sandy Hook elementary school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut. Photograph: Robert F. Bukaty/AP

Emilie Parker, age six

Emilie loved visiting the craft store, and her family constantly found beads, bits of paper, colored cotton balls or anything else Emilie thought she could use to create art all over the house. Her family shared a photograph of her next to a canvas with a palette of paints, wearing an enormous t-shirt as an artists smock.

The Emilie Parker Art Connection supports art programs. Alissa Parker, her mother, has written a book, An Unseen Angel, about a faith-filled, spiritual path to coping, healing and forgiving in the wake of tragedy. She is also one of the founders of Safe and Sound Schools.

Jack Pinto, age six

Jack had a huge smile and a love for mischief. He loved playing sports and, most of all, being with his big brother.

To honor his memory, his family has supported Kids in the Game, an organization that provides funds for athletic programs for kids and schools that could not otherwise afford them.

Noah Pozner, age six

Noah loved playing deep imaginative games with his Legos and superhero toys. He went to school in a Batman shirt and Spider-Man shoes, listening to Gangnam Style, one of Noahs favorite songs, on the way. His twin sister, Arielle, survived the shooting.

In the wake of the shooting, Noahs father, Lenny Pozner, founded the Honr Network, a group that works to combat the conspiracy theorists who claim the Sandy Hook shooting is a hoax and that grieving family members are crisis actors. The Honr Network coordinates volunteers to monitor and take down hoaxer posts and videos. Working with tech companies like Google on this effort has been an uphill battle, one that has made Pozner himself the target of intense harassment. A Florida woman was sentenced to five months in prison earlier this year for making threats against him.

Caroline Previdi, age six

Caroline was joyful, a lover of art and dance. Before Christmas one year, she brought her piggy bank to her parents and asked to donate all of her savings to their church to make sure the every kid would have a present under their Christmas trees. At her funeral, some mourners wore pink, her favorite color, to honor her, the New Haven Register reported.

The Caroline Previdi Foundation provides support for kids without financial resources to engage in extracurricular activities.

Jessica Rekos, age six

As well as horseback riding, Jessica spent hours watching the Free Willy movies and taking notes on orcas, her family wrote. Mom, I just want to be friends with an Orca, she once said.

Her family wrote, she was always planning, asking questions, and figuring out the details. They called her our little CEO.

The Jessica Rekos Foundation supports horseback riding scholarships and research and internships on orca and whale conservation.

Avielle Richman, age six

Avielle Richman.

Avielle had a spitfire personality, her family wrote. She was often barefoot. Asked what she wanted to be, she replied that she would like to be an artist … and a spy … and a fairy princess … and a writer. She loved to name things: the maple trees next to her house were Efford and Maeve.

The Avielle Foundation supports neuroscience research aimed at understanding the brains chemistry, structure, and circuits that lead to violence and compassion, as well as community education and outreach about neuroscience research and its findings, and how to promote brain health.

Benjamin Wheeler, age six

Ben was full of urgent questions that he wanted answered at once. He demanded attention. He loved lighthouses and dreamed of being an architect, a paleontologist and a lighthouse keeper all at once.

Bens Lighthouse, a community organization in Newtown, was founded to support Newtown youth over the long term as they dealt with the aftermath of the violence at Sandy Hook.

Allison N Wyatt, age six

Allison lined the walls of her home with rows of pictures she had drawn, and she loved drawing for people she cared about, from friends and relatives to her school bus driver. Her family wrote that they had found a final picture Allie had drawn for her first grade teacher, Victoria Soto, who was also killed in the shooting. It had a message: I love you, Love Allie.

The Allison Wyatt Memorial Fund has donated to St Jude Childrens Research Hospital, the Ronald McDonald House Charities and International Child Art Foundation.

Rachel Davino, age 29

A behavioral specialist, Rachel had a clear focus on helping adults and children with autism, her family wrote, and she had just completed the requirements to become a board certified behavioral analyst. Her soon-to be-fiance Tony Cerritelli had just asked her family for permission to marry her, and they were planning to become engaged on Christmas Eve.

Rachel was working on a family collection of Italian recipes for a family cookbook, and she loved karate, photography, cooking and baking. At a celebration honoring her life, she was compared to The Giving Tree, a Shel Silverstein book about selflessness.

Her friends and family made plans to walk and raise money for Autism Speaks to honor her life.

Dawn Hochsprung, age 47

Elementary school principal Dawn Hochsprung. Photograph: Reuters

Sandy Hooks school principal was strong, confident, inspiring and compassionate, her family wrote. She balanced raising her two daughters with her own continuing education, always keeping in touch with her children as she moved from one meeting to another.

Dawn died as she lived: always in control, handling whatever came her way, her family wrote.

Erica Lafferty, one of her daughters, spoke about her mother at the Democratic National Convention in 2016 in support of Hillary Clinton and her commitment to gun violence prevention. She is now a program manager at Everytown for Gun Safety, major a gun violence prevention advocacy group.

Anne Marie Murphy, age 52

When the shooting happened, Anne Marie Murphy, a classroom aide, wrapped a child in her arms, protecting him. Both she and the child were killed.

Thank you for respecting our privacy, her family wrote.

Lauren Rousseau, age 30